On behalf of the Canterbury Chess
Club, as hosts for the 109th NZ
National Chess Congress, we happily
invite chessplayers from throughout
New Zealand, Australia, and the rest
of the world to the 109th NZ National
Chess Congress, to be held at The
Millennium Hotel in Christchurch,
New Zealand.
The Christchurch Chess Club was formed in 1866 for a telegraph match against the Nelson
Chess Club. The club then became nearly inactive until 1877, when it was revived to prepare to host the 1879 NZ Chess Championships. Following the Championships, some disgruntled
members left the club, and the Canterbury Chess Club was born, on the 18th of October,
1879. As for the Christchurch Chess Club, nearly the whole membership had gone to the
Canterbury Chess Club by the end of 1879, leaving the old Christchurch Chess Club
Many New Zealand Champions have come from the Canterbury Chess Club, from Henry
Hookham, the very first NZ Champion, through to the reigning NZ Champion, FM Scott
Wastney from Nelson. Other NZ Champions from the club have been HR Abbott, S Hindin,
IM Ortvin Sarapu, NM(*) Bruce Anderson, IM Vernon Small, FM Roger Nokes, NM Adrian
Lloyd, and CM Peter McKenzie.
The 109th NZ Chess Congress is in an Olympiad selection year in preparation for the NZ
Team to compete in the 35th Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia, 2002. A strong tournament is
predicted. The prize fund has increased markedly from previous Congress events. We have an
excellent venue, and we welcome our chess friends from Australia and the rest of the world.
We hope to have you with us this December for the 109th New Zealand Chess Congress. You
are assured of a warm welcome.
Chris Wright
109th NZ Congress Organiser
Canterbury Chess Club Inc.